Wednesday September 18

Present:David Heath (Chair), Kelly Aitken, Donna McMahon, Robin Miller, Jacqueline Brodie-Hanns, Ayron Teed, Max Murphy, Vera Hemke, Judy Kent, Chris Walters (MASC), Peter Church, Michael Lane

Apologies: Annette Smith, Paul Mizzi, Craig Watkins

Matters arising from previous meeting:


Jacqueline outlined steps required for incorporation and suggestions for proposed name, Statement of Purpose and membership eligibility.

Names suggested: Harcourt Progress Group, Harcourt Community Association, Harcourt Progressive Community, Harcourt Progress Association. Although the group wanted the community to be at the forefront of the focus, it was felt that the Statement of Purpose encompassed this and that “progress” was an action word.It was decided to adopt the name of Harcourt Progress Association.

Discussion about statement of purpose: What are we trying to achieve: to advance Harcourt into the future; to unite the community. Craig had flagged in an email that supporting economic growth might need to be included, but it was felt that the broad nature of the statement incorporated this. It was agreed to adopt the following Statement of Purpose:
The Harcourt Progress Association aims to:
·         Support and encourage initiatives which benefit and strengthen the Harcourt community.
·         Strengthen community connections by promoting local sporting, educational, recreational and cultural activities.
·         Encourage, support and acknowledge the role and contribution of volunteers within Harcourt.

Membership:need to reside / own land within 20kms; beyond 20km memberships will be considered individually on application.Controls to be incorporated to allow for vetting by the Steering Committee, with transparency and accountability to broader membership. Other membership criteria approved including the statement:
There is no joining fee for the Harcourt Progress Association but an annual subscription of $20 per person / $10 concession is payable to ensure you are a financial member who is able to vote and participate in decision making. Annual memberships full due on 1st July each year.
Active participation by all members is encouraged. The Harcourt Community Association is facilitated by a Steering Committee elected by the members annually. Decision making at regular meetings is made by all financial members.
It is proposed to have a steering committee of 6 members (Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and 2 executive members). The Secretary role will encompass the former public Officer role and a quorum for decision making of 10 members was agreed. The Model Rules requires some further tweaking and a legal analysis to ensure it complies with legislation. At the next meeting, need to move motion to accept Model Rules, elect Committee, authorize Secretary to incorporate group, nominate signatories to bank account.

Peter advised that the tax status & funding eligibility of a group can be affected by what’s contained in the Statement of Purpose. ACTION: Peter to investigate and notify Jacqueline.

Newsletter (Robyn)

Robyn has met with John Ellis of Chewton Chat. CC publishes 800 copies of a 32 page newsletter each month, 200 copies are printed on the Council community photocopier and $800 is paid to the Copy Centre for 600 copies.CC is published by the Chewton Domain Society & the position of editor needs to be approved of by the group.CC uses InDesign, but Robyn might opt for Publisher initially.

A request was made to allocate training funds to pay for 2 people to attend CNAV conference on Saturday 12th October in Frankston. MASC have $800 for training needs of community planning group. The HPA group identified establishing a community newsletter as a key priority and support allocating funding to this purpose. Suggestion that we encourage a young person to attend as well.

At previous meeting it was agreed to Council Community Grants program to secure a laptop/ scanner / printer.

Applefest Committee (Donna)

Donnas has had very encouraging discussions with Katie Finlay and Heather Barrett about incorporating elements of the Harvest Festival into Applefest, including workshops and community juicing using the bike powered juicer. Also keen to incorporate workshops involving the CWA. Seeking to make links with tourism providers, encouraging them to incorporate apple theme

A number of small event fundraisers are being planned, including a jazz performance at Harcourt Valley Winery on Melbourne Cup day and a karaoke night at the Tavern organised by Richard Thompson. Michael Lane offered the services of local band Wood Dance who play Mediterranean music.

Community Plan (David)

Feedback received from Drew Henry and Amanda from the shop – concern about reference to “boutique business” and not enough emphasis on industry

David has prepared preamble and inserted narrative into Plan; Jacqueline has edited and re-arranged running order including removing some dry statistical material and limiting the plan to “Objectives” and “Strategies”. It was felt that a more specific action plan with named groups / individuals attached to actions and timeframes can come next.

David read out the Community Plan starting with his preamble. Edits were made electronically and a number of clunky passages were identified which require re-working.

ACTION:David to add sentence about indigenous past and importance of heritage – under Heart and Hub vision statement

ACTION: Donna to rework strategy item regarding upgrading the playground more generally. It currently reads: “Install a fence around the playground.”

Discussion about the absence in the plan about anything to do with the NBN towers which has concerned the group in previous meetings

ACTION: Max suggested including a statement to reflect a commitment to innovative technology which will benefit the community as a whole.

General consensus that the Plan is 95% complete – requires some photos, quotes from primary school kids, slight tweaking / tightening of text. Ready for endorsement at Oct meeting; launch in early December, combine with community Christmas celebration.

General business

Donna reported on Harcourt meeting convened by MASC to discuss play space strategy. This is shire-wide strategy, not specific to Harcourt, but the timing will benefit proposed upgrade / replacement of Harcourt playground which has been identified as part of the master plan. ACTION: Donna to check with Wayne O’Toole as MASC representative of After the Bypass what the intention is for the upgrade of the playground.

Mount Alexander Volunteer Network (convened by Jacqueline) is running two workshops at Harcourt Valley Primary School in October – one a food safety session; the other a first aid training day.

Meeting closed at: 9.15 pm       

Next meeting: 16th October at 7pm

Wednesday July 17

Minutes of the Harcourt Progress Group
Date: Wednesday  17th July,  2013
Harcourt Valley Primary School
Present:  Annette Smith (minutes), Vera Hemkes, Max Murphy, Sharlene Farrugia (MASC), Paul Mizzi, Kay Francis, George Milford, Neil Charter, Wayne O’Toole (MASC) Jacqueline Brodie- Hanns, Tim Barber, Peter Wilson, Melissa Pollock, Joan Lienhop, Robyn Miller, Dianne Baig, Donna McMahon, Judi Kent, Ayron Teed, Kelly Aitken, David Heath (chair), Peter Church, Fay Hards
Apologies: Craig Watkins, Judy Foster
Welcome:  To all people including the members of the reference group, Tim Barber, Wayne O’Toole
Action/ Who

Business Arising

General Business

·         Wayne O’Toole – Economic Development Officer, working with Reference Group, plans have come from the Harcourt Community.  Reference group formed to advise on the centre of Harcourt development.  The plans are beginning to be implemented now with road works.
Crossover in the work of the HPG and the reference group.  Need to look at how this can work together.  Tim Barbour spoke about the fact that the reference group’s work is not finished.  George Milford indicated that the work of the reference group is to implement all of the recommendations.  Wayne talked about moving onto the broader  recommendations.  There is a greater opportunity for growth in Harcourt then in any other part of the shire.  Opportunity for significant growth. Peter Wilson spoke of discussion with the Mayor and that the reference group is there for the longer term.  Acting as a conduit to council.  Wayne said that was not his view or understanding.  David asked questions about why the arrangements were structured the way they are and also how they will work together. George gave the history of how the community got together to talk to VicRoads and deal with other issues relating to after the freeway.  Eventually there was a study which recommended the formation of a reference group following an extensive study in 2009.  Community planning is separate from this as the reference group is focussed on impact of the freeway.  Community planning is separate and is community driven and lead.  Question from George – who will implement the community plan after the council steps back? David talked about the community having the role to drive the goals and aspirations to achieve the things in the community plan.  Need community enthusiasm  to drive the plan. Jacqueline commented on the role of Sharlene and then asked was there a central group before either of these groups.  Paul Mizzi spoke about the separate organisations which share information in part to people.  There is no group in Harcourt to centralise information. Paul spoke of all the different web sites relating to Harcourt.  Sharlene spoke of ensuring sustainability of different aspects through the plan. David spoke of the value of the social media and the web as communication.  There needs to be a letter box drop of a paper newsletter in the area as well
The plan needs to be a working document and needs to change to reflect what is happening in Harcourt.  It will change according to community priorities and the people involved in the group.  Jacqueline asked what is the legal structure of the HPG?  No status at present.  Suggested it needs to become an incorporated body.  Have taken the time to sort out what the role of the group is.  Now at the point we need to make decisions.  Suggested not to be a Section 86 committee and be incorporated in its own right.
Issue –communication between groups so that the work does not cross over.
Reference group meetings are public meetings which people can attend.  Minutes can be circulated via the Harcourt blog
The various groups need to link together through the web via a central linking page.
Wayne spoke about the works being undertaken in Harcourt. RV dump, road works, bus shelters, slip way removed. Harmony Way and Victoria Road will become a cross road.  Speed limit reduced, Bagshaw street intersection changed.  High street south end a court bowl. Removable bollards to allow for Applefest parade.  Work starting on Monday, it will take five weeks subject to weather.  Plantings to be decided.  Current plantings will not be affected.
Max Murphy spoke of the need to know what is happening and to have a plan which people can look at.  Concern about the lack of a commercial zone because of the possible growth of the Harcourt community.  George talked about that there are changes in train for changes to zoning.  Max spoke of the need to get information out to the community more broadly.  Wayne believes that sufficient effort has been made to get information out to the community.  There is a commitment from Wayne that the community will be consulted about the plantings on the road developments.
David spoke of the importance of improving the communication in Harcourt.
Need to report back to organisations people are representing.
Street scape should reflect the town in the future.
Max stressed the importance of groups liaising with each other.  Working together in one direction.
Need to have visual representation this is better for people to get a sense of how things will look.
Must ensure the work is not duplicated by both groups.
Need to look at incorporation
Craig and Annette to investigate with Jacqueline.
·         Mountain Biking in Harcourt – The Rocky Riders spoke with David about the possibility of using the oak forest as a mountain biking destination.  Key trails could attract people to events.  It could have economic benefits for the community.  Community needs to drive the process and shape the area as the destination.  See attachment prepared  by David.  Look at Mount Macedon model of management of Hanging Rock as a way to do this in Harcourt.
Why not a Friends of Mount Alexander group? – Judy Foster was interested in this.
What will the involvement of the Progress Group? Incorporation will help with this.
Investigate some of the established areas for Mountain Biking
The Goldfields track is also an asset for the area.
Key conversation about this is with Parks Victoria – Wayne will find someone in Parks to talk with.
Dianne suggested that since Damian Drum is parliamentary secretary of economic development.  Take it from the economic development angle in connection with sport

·         Feedback on the community plan.  Sharlene to collate the data.  Date before the next meeting to
       finalise the feedback inclusion in the plan.

·         The road into the Leisure Centre  - specifications will drawn up this year and possibly sealed after that.

·         Town criers championships will be held at the Applefest.

·         Applefest meeting on 12th August at 7.30pm – come with ideas and a theme

·         There will be a water supply improvement for the Recreation Reserve in 2015.

Meeting finished at  9pm

Next meeting :  Wednesday 21st August, 2013 – 7-9pm at HVPS

June 19 2013

Harcourt Progress Group Meeting                      19th June 2013-06-26

Apologies: Ayron Teed, Judy Kent, Craig Watkins, Annette Smith

Present: Kelly, Jacque, Sharlene, Donna, Judy, Trish and Millie

Sharlene presented summary and timeline for the Community Plan process

Discussion on uniting HPG and reference group
Sharlene to have discussion with Wayne O’Toole from Council regarding Reference Group Plans.

Donna to contact community groups and get them to fill out feedback form. Sharlene to assist.

Discussion of preamble. Decided to review as group and forward to Historical Group for comment and improvement.

Kelly reported on her work contacting authors of past Harcourt publications and reported on Peter Church's interest in  Men's Shed Grants

Next Meeting: 17th July 2013